Using any new management methodology effectively is difficult the first time, and OKRs is no exception.

Like any other management methodology there is a learning curve.  The objective of this course is to help you understand how to implement OKRs effectively the first time, and to shorten the learning curve for individuals to effectively use OKRs within their organizations and with their teams.

Watch Intro Video

Watch our Implementing & Using OKRs Introduction Video

Who The Course Is For

This module provides the knowledge and skill enabling senior leaders with the support of internal OKR Champions to successfully implement OKRs in their organization, and make goal-setting part of how a company operates to achieve the business benefits OKRs promise. In addition, it provides foundational background appropriate for:

  • Senior leaders at multiple levels
  • Internal OKR Champions (Super Users)

Course Content And Benefits

At the end of this course senior leaders and OKR Champions will be able to Identify and effectively make key decisions to develop OKR guiding principles and a roadmap to successfully roll out OKRs.

Course Learning Modules:
  • OKRs and Agile Strategy Execution
  • The OKR Cycle
  • Setting OKRs
  • Cascading OKRs
  • Organizational Leadership With OKRs
  • Assessing Progress And Conducting Review Meetings
  • Closing The OKR Cycle

Downloadable Support Materials

This course comes with downloadable materials that are designed to reinforce the content, and help to immediately translate learning into action. The downloadable materials for this course include:

  • FAQs: Setting OKRs
  • Support Sheet: OKR Localization Example
  • Job Aid: Conducting OKR Related Meetings
  • Job Aid: Conducting Retrospectives
  • Job Aid: Coordinating The Functional and OKR Organizations
  • FAQs: The OKR Cycle

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Accelerate your understanding to implement OKRs right the first time!

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