OKRs are a language as well as a goal-setting methodology.

As with any language, proficiency comes with practice and support from an expert.  This course is designed to review OKRs that you may have already written, provide insights, as well as opportunities to learn what makes for quality OKRs. Writing clear, quality OKRs is critical to their effective use, especially as they cascade out within the organization.

Watch Intro Video

Watch our Writing Quality OKRs Course Introduction Video

Who The Course Is For

  • Leaders and managers at all levels
  • All employees
  • OKR Champions

What This Course Includes

  • Access to self-paced online learning courses: Writing Quality OKRs; OKR Basics
  • Learning Modules:
    • Examples of well written, and not so well written OKRs
    • Common mistakes, traps and pitfalls that lead to poorly written OKRS and how to avoid them
    • Writing OKRs for a team or organization
    • Important considerations when working with team and organizational OKRs
    • OKR writing exercises and templates imbedded within the course
    • Guiding principles and practices to keep in mind when writing OKRs
  • Downloadable Materials:
    • Template: Translating Strategies Into OKRs
    • Template: Writing OKRs
    • FAQs - Writing Quality OKRs
    • Support Sheet: Common Pitfalls and Mitigation When Writing OKRs

Course Benefits

At the end of this course you will be able to translate your organization, department, and team goals into clear, measurable, Objectives and Key Results. In addition, you will be able to identify and overcome some of the common traps in writing OKRs, and develop confidence in your ability to recognize and write quality OKRs.

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